All You Need to Know About Organic Fertilizer

Here are some very popular organic fertilizers that help you grow beautiful, healthy vegetables.

Dried blood – This acts as a quick acting organic nitrogen feed. Dried blood is used as a top dressing such as tomatoes and cucumbers. You can scatter it on top of the soil or dissolve it into water. When dissolved in water it acts even quicker.

Bonemeal – Is made from ground up dried bones. This organic fertilizer is very popular with gardeners because it has a long slow release of phosphate with a little nitrogen. Phosphate is good for root growth.

Fishmeal – Is made from dried bones and ground fish waste. This is a great slow release fertilizer. It’s a potent but smelly fertilizers but your garden will love it.

Seaweed Fertilizer – This type of fertilizer is made in liquid, powdered form and as a calcified form – and has become very popular for garden users.

Hop Manure – This is made from waste from breweries this is a great fertilizer and is often used on farmland.

Concentrated Organic Manures

Sulphate of ammonia – This is a fertilizer full of nitrogen. It’s a soluble salt which makes it quickly available to the plant. When you use sulphate of ammonia you also need to use lime because it’s very acid forming. Use it during Spring and Summer 14 days before planting.

Nitrate of soda –
Is a salt made from natural deposits and is a quick acting nitrogen fertilizer. It’s a great fertilizer to use in spring time for over-wintering crops such as spring cabbages or greens.

Nitro chalk –
This is a nitrogen rich fertilizer but has also got calcium in it. This means that nitro chalk does not make your soil acid like sulphate of ammonia does. A great top dressing for brassicas.

Superphosphate – Is a phosphatic fertilizer and is used in compounds and by it-self.  Your soil needs adequate phosphate for the vegetables to get a good strong root system, which will encourage higher vegetable yields. This fertilizer can be worked into the soil before sowing or planting.

Sulphate of potash – Is one of the best potash fertilizers. You need adequate potash to go with the nitrogen and phosphate to get a balanced growth for your vegetables.

Muriate of potash – This is cheaper then sulphate of potash but works just as well.

Lime –
Is very important for the soil especially if you have acid soil or very heavy soil. It’s important though not to over use lime on your soil. You need to test the soil with a soil tester before you use lime. The soil tester will tell you the pH of the soil and then you’ll be able to add the right rate of lime to your soil. Also it will tell you if your soil is low on other necessary nutrients. A neutral pH is 7 any number above this indicates that the soil is alkaline and any numbers below shows you that the soil is acid. The best pH for vegetables to grow in is around 6.5 to 7.


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